Monday, September 16, 2024

Readership Profile

The following questions best describe the Hort Journal readership profile:

Q: Who should read Hort Journal Australia?
A: Everyone involved in the horticulture industry.

Q: Why?
A: It is written in your language by experienced, qualified and knowledgeable people in the industry for the industry on a national level. It will give you ideas and carry your thoughts.

Q: Who should advertise in Hort Journal Australia?
A: Businesses that want to promote their products and services to the horticulture industry.

Q: Why?
A: It is the only magazine that is distributed to your clients and potential new ones.

Hort Journal Australia is distributed to:

  • retail nurseries and greenlife retailers
  • wholesale/production nurseries
  • local government parks and gardens managers
  • landscape sector
  • education and training institutions
  • merchant buyers and hardware stores
  • Allied industries.

Hort Journal Australia will listen to, and welcome input and feedback, from its readers on the information provided. Content and direction will reflect industry responses. We believe that it is of vital importance that the information distributed by
Hort Journal Australia to be informative, newsworthy, helpful and a good read. Your involvement is vital, valued and welcome.