Saturday, July 27, 2024
Editors editorial

Embracing technology keeps us moving forward

We are approaching two years since the pandemic turned our lives a bit topsy turvy. During that time many people have not had a great experience but if there is anything positive to come out of the situation, I would think it would have to be technology. I have learnt many new skills during this time, through necessity.  I just read a quote on the internet that said, ‘If necessity is the mother of invention, then frustration is the father of creativity’!  I am not sure how creative I have been but there has been a certain level of frustration on my part adapting to new ways of running a business. The upside of course is that I have developed a few new skills. I had never hosted a webinar before or a podcast and I have literally ‘zoomed’ all over the country.

Many business have very quickly had to adapt and have websites built. One business owner I spoke with said he had been thinking about having an online presence and this situation has forced him to do it. A decision he is glad he eventually made.

I recently attended an online conference organised by Therapeutic Horticulture Australia. Dr. Kate Neale has given an overview of the conference in this issue. This was a completely online event. As much as it is nice to attend events in person, it does make a conference accessible to more people. Overseas speakers are not having make the journey half way around the world and deliver a presentation feeling a bit out of sorts with jet lag. Networking was easy as guests broke out into ‘rooms’ in which case we were able to network with other delegates, after ten minutes or so you would be switched into another room and start the networking process again. It was simple. The cost is also more affordable. I take my hat off to the organisers as this was a first for them and they did a splendid job.

I cannot begin to imagine what it would have been like without being to communicate with people during this time. We may not get to see people in person, however the simple fact that we can speak to people and see their faces may well help people feeling totally isolated.

Just before I wrote this editorial, I conducted a podcast with Dr. Megan Hirst and Matthew Henderson (see their article on Raising Rarity in this issue) they are looking to connect with interested growers for future production of certain species of plants. If you are interested in working with them as they aim to prevent critically endangered species from extinction, please see their details on the article or contact me and I can forward your details.

As I mentioned I have been podcasting, Hort Journal Australia has sponsored Daniel Fuller from Plants Grow Here and I am a guest host. Keep an eye out on our website. Who knows I might be contacting you soon if you have an interesting story to share!

Wishing you all the very best for a successful spring

Karen Smith and Your Hort Journal Team

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