Saturday, July 27, 2024
Editors editorial

Hort Journal website gets an upgrade

Well, spring is here and its lovely to experience lovely sunny days without it being too hot… well, where I live anyhow. I guess it is different for everyone. No doubt spring can be a challenge for many in our industry, as you are often run off your feet. Having said that, 2021 has been a bit different to normal.

On a positive note, Hort Journal Australia website has had a few changes. We know from feedback, most of our subscribers love getting the hard copy of the journal. Business owners like to place a copy in the lunchroom for their employees to read. Others say things get lost online and because they don’t physically see the magazine, they forget about it. The good news is if you are a subscriber to the hard copy, you will have access to the online version 24/7. The online version will only be seen by subscribers. Non-subscribers will only see part of an article, as is the case with most newspapers.

If you prefer to have it online only that is fine as well. There is also an option for a monthly version, pay for one month and you will receive a hard copy and will have access for just that month online. It’s a win for everyone!

All payments will be processed online, making it easy for you to subscribe. If you are subscribing annually, as normal you will receive notification the month before to remind you that it’s time to renew.

Other features on the website include an Events link which includes major industry events (when we get back to having them) and trade days.

What’s New will include new products and services on the market. A link for Books is included, so any authors out there, don’t forget to let us know and we can review your books.

Broadcasts will include some of our favourite podcasts, including Daniel Fuller’s ‘Plants Grow Here’, in which I co-host some episodes or guest host.

Any business wishing to advertise can request online  login

an electronic version of the Media Kit.

Other information includes Key Industry Associations, Readership Profile and information about us.

There is good news for PlantSelect subscribers, as there is a link from the Hort Journal Australia website that links the viewer to the PlantSelect website,

We are happy to be heading in this direction, and over time we will be making further additions to continue improving our service to you.

It has been a challenging time for almost two years for many business owners and employees in many industries, although our industry has fared better than most. We have had to learn new skills and ways of conducting business, including click and collect, so I guess there are lots of positives, and focusing on the good things is good for our mental health. Naturally, we miss all the wonderful industry events that we normally attend, and organisers of these events have certainly been challenged. Let’s hope we all move forward and can look to a brighter future.

Stay safe

Karen Smith and your Hort Journal Team

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