Saturday, July 27, 2024
Business File

Are you in a rut running your business?

By John Corban

For several months you may have felt that everything at work is tough, whether its winning work, trying to find a new employee, managing team members or managing cash-flow, your energy is flat and you feel you and your business is in a rut. However, there is a way out – let me share five ideas that may help.

Take a break
If you can, take a break; even if it’s for a long weekend. It will help you and the family to switch off and just enjoy doing some fun things together.

Change your approach
I’ve heard it said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Recently, I showed a construction landscaper a structured way of quoting. The ninety-minute educational session showed him how to cost things properly and then prepare a quoting sheet so it becomes easy to replicate. I spoke to him a couple of weeks later and he said, “that is a huge weight lifted, I actually enjoy quoting now”.  As we all know, our mind is responsible for the rut we fall into. Where do you feel stuck and how could you try a different approach?

Change surroundings and routines
When you think about the daily routines of a working life, it’s no surprise we get stuck in ruts. We know routines are helpful, but when you are in a rut, changing your surroundings and some routines could help refresh your daily life. Clean out your office and desk space; moving your desk to a different area in your office can help refresh the space. An office cleanout or declutter will definitely have an impact. Maybe eat lunch at a different place. Introducing some team bonding sessions, with some golf or a barbecue, will definitely help to de-stress and connect with the team.

Talk with a trusted adviser
Often, as business owners, we can feel alone running our businesses with a pile of responsibilities, problems and pressure to deal with, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. You can reach out to a mate/friend who runs a successful business and have a beer or a coffee with him/her every month. What about joining an industry association? You will meet like-minded business owners and can also attend events to listen to professionals delivering educational talks, or you can engage a qualified business coach who will create a plan and guide you to achieving your goals. One or more of these tactics will create a renewed energy and help lift you out of a rut.

Stop doing everything yourself
While at first it may seem like a great money saving idea, it can take its toll as the workload increases. Delegate more tasks to others. Consider hiring an assistant or a bookkeeper and break free of the mentality that its quicker and cheaper to do it yourself.

I hope some of these ideas, which I have personally tested and used with my clients, will help you refresh how you think and feel about your business and pull you out of feeling flat, stressed or in a rut.

John Corban
Business Coach for Landscapers,
Horticulturists and Nursery owners
M: 0433 27 1980

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