Saturday, July 27, 2024

Business File

Business File

Growing your business means moving out of your comfort zone

By John Corban

Was there a time in your business when you were outside your comfort zone?

Think back to when you decided to start your business. You probably had feelings of anxiety and discomfort as well as excitement. Although you may have been somewhat afraid, what potentially lay ahead (freedom to pursue your passion, generate a greater income, and have autonomy) provided strong reasons to help propel you forward.… Continue reading

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Business File

Employees need a leader, not a friend

By John Corban

Leadership is one of the most challenging, fulfilling and exciting roles a business owner faces, and leading in a fun and supportive, yet assertive, way is key to your business thriving and your team wanting to grow with you.Continue reading

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Business File

Increase rates and continue to increase work

By John Corban

How can I increase my rates and win the work I want?

What is the reason for wanting to increase fees?
If you look at your P&L statement and don’t like the profit you see you need to delve deeper to discover why this is happening.… Continue reading

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Trademart is a one-stop shop for landscapers and retailers
Business File

Sustainable economic success

By Karen Smith

For more than 60 years Benara Nurseries in Western Australia has ticked many boxes to become one of Australia’s most successful production nurseries. With a commitment to sustainability, quality services, and their team, what contributes to their longevity and economic success?Continue reading

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Creating beautiful landscapes requires sound business decisions (Image: Karen Smith)
Business File

Making better business decisions

By John Corban

We are now settled into the new calendar year and it’s a suitable time to act on some important strategic decisions for your business, if you haven’t done so already. It might be that you are seriously thinking about hiring or removing a skilled worker, removing or adding a service, increasing charge out rates, improving a system in your business or buying an expensive piece of equipment.… Continue reading

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Business File

Solutions for problems in your business

By John Corban

Many businesses share similar problems so I thought I would share solutions to problems that I have shared over the last twelve months.

Problem: I need more profit, what can I do?

Solution: Understand where your business is at financially first, plan to remove any unnecessary costs, then create a six-month profit forecast until June 30.Continue reading

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Bush foliage doesn’t grow in paddock rows (Image: CHFF/PGA)
Business File

Challenge accepted : Managing growth in multiple growing businesses

By Andrea Caldecourt

Managing the demands of a horticulture business is challenging enough but what happens when you have multiple rapidly-growing businesses to manage, all with very different needs?

Multi-award-winning Sunshine Coast business Cedar Hill Group is the parent company to seven separate entities, each operating in discrete horticultural fields, from tissue culture and tubestock production, to cut flower export and online retail.… Continue reading

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Business File

How to run your business and thrive in these times

By John Corban

We cannot control external occurrences, like the economy or the weather, but we can control our response to what happens. We have experienced an extended boom in the Landscape Industry, so what we might be experiencing now is business as usual, (in other words the boom has subsided).Continue reading

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Business File

Are you in a rut running your business?

By John Corban

For several months you may have felt that everything at work is tough, whether its winning work, trying to find a new employee, managing team members or managing cash-flow, your energy is flat and you feel you and your business is in a rut.… Continue reading

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Create a vision for your business and communicate it with your team (Image: Karen Smith)
Business File

Creating an inspiring business future

By John Corban

Think back to when you started your business – you were probably somewhat fearful, but incredibly excited about what you were starting. And you probably imagined growing your business over time to a larger business with a key team, great clients, good profits, and a reasonably high profile.… Continue reading

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Plan for costs (Image: Rich Earth Landscaping)
Business File

Financial strategies to boost sales and profits

By John Corban

The beginning of the new financial year has begun, so now is the perfect time to analyse your Profit & Loss (P&L) from the year just finished. Then, create a forecast knowing what areas of quoting, projects, project management and maintenance, and retail you need to improve.Continue reading

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Business File

Why? One question that will change how you run your business

John Corban

We all know what service and products we provide in our business; we also know how we provide our service or products, but are you clear about WHY you run your business?

Many business owners in the horticulture Industry might say they love working with plants, maintaining and installing gardens, or growing and selling plants, but do your employees and clients know WHY you do what you do.… Continue reading

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Business File

Why now is the time to set bigger goals?

By John Corban

Typically, what happens after a boom period is a slowing of enquiries. Many business owners get very cautious, and decide to cut expenses and operate from a restrictive mindset.

They can feel the pressure of going from excessive enquiries to much less, or they find clients holding back on spending as much.… Continue reading

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Work on your marketing so more of your ideal clients see your work
Business File

Win more jobs when clients are holding back!

By John Corban

Enquiries have been at a peak for the last few years, however, with the media reporting interest rate and cost of living hikes, some prospects and clients may be reducing their original spend or even delaying a project.… Continue reading

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Business File

Why should you know your critical percentages?

By John Corban

When I work with a new landscaping client, in the first two sessions, I analyse their profit and loss (P&L) and highlight their four main expenses (as a percentage of their sales), and compare these to what the targeted percentages should be.… Continue reading

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