Saturday, July 27, 2024

Plant Nutrition

Capers (Image: fedelacarrera1 Pixabay)
Plant Nutrition

Capparis – what am I eating?

By Clive Larkman

If you look up the word ‘Caper’ you will get a reference to a silly activity or dance-like movement, neither of which really points towards the tart little garnish we eat with cheese, pasta and whatever else we can imagine.… Continue reading

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Plant Nutrition

Feeding plants to fuel growth

By John Fitzsimmons

Centuries of growing experience and science have gone into today’s knowledge of plant nutrition, recorded in innumerable texts, digital records and oral histories. While science is science, the foregoing has also resulted in many interpretations and opinions. This is not the time or channel for a comprehensive review but we can consider a few basic ideas and definitions.Continue reading

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