Sunday, September 8, 2024
Grevillea 'Thorny Devil'
Plant PalettePlants

Prickly and pretty

Characteristics: A groundcover that grows to 0.2m (h) x 1-2m (w) with orange flowers 35mm, Conflorescence 100mm, in bloom from July to November. It is distinguished from Grevillea nana ssp. nana by its smaller leaves with more numerous, closely aligned pinnae and its pink/orange flowers. It is distinguished from G. tenuiloba by its coarser leaves, denser prostrate habit and pink/orange flowers. It has been in cultivation since 1996.

Origin: Open pollination – Grevillea nana ssp. nana (female parent) and G. tenuiloba (male parent) growing beside each other.

Applicant: Neil R Marriott, received November 2007.

Cultural Notes: Grevillea ‘Thorny Devil’ grows best in well drained soils and in a sunny site, but it will tolerate some shade. It responds well to a light pruning and is drought tolerant and frost hardy. It is a very long lived and reliable plant with prickly foliage, however its showy, orange, toothbrush flowers bloom en masse for many months of the year. It can be pruned very heavily every few years if required.

Propagation: Cuttings from semi-firm new growth.

Uses: Grevillea ‘Thorny Devil’ can be used in mass planting, part of a mixed shrubbery, or as a spectacular feature plant. Nectar-feeding birds are also attracted to this plant. It is extremely popular with some growers as a bold, long-flowering weeping standard when grafted onto Silky Oak (Grevillea robusta).

Label Name: Grevillea ‘Thorny Devil’

ACRA Registration: 1259

Family: Proteaceae

Availability: Specialist native plant nurseries.

Paul Carmen

ACRA Registrar

Australian Cultivation

Registration Authority


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