Careers & Education

Careers & EducationEducation

Education is key to staying on top of the horticulture game

By Dan Austin

The old adage ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks’ has long been disproven and in reality, older dogs are quite adept at developing new skills. So, with the reputation of mature canines around the world restored, there is no excuse for the ageing horticulturist not to follow suit and ensure we stay at the top of our game.Continue reading

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Involving children in the design and planning of greenspaces

By Dr Kate Neale and Michael Casey

Schools are increasingly recognising that greenspaces provide students with important access to nature, wellbeing, shelter, places of retreat, integrated learning contexts and aesthetic appeal. As such, schools are increasingly engaging with landscape professionals who consult with principals, P&C committees and educators to establish the vision for a space, needs of the cohort and practical design elements.Continue reading

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