Saturday, July 27, 2024
Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers November 2021, Accelerating uptake and removing barriers to green roofs in Australia

Background: Rapidly growing urban populations, increasingly hot cities and the need for green space and access to nature are key reasons for integrating more green infrastructure into cities. Green roofs provide environmental benefits and greener developments can enhance human well-being and productivity, and increase the rental and resale value of properties compared to traditional grey infrastructure.

However, significant barriers to green roof adoption in Australia remain, including lack of information and uncertainty around construction, costs and maintenance, and a low level
of knowledge around appropriate plant species and their horticultural requirements. Green spaces and green infrastructure are vital to human health and well-being, but there is little
information around the most beneficial green roof designs and plant species to meet this need.

Researchers from the University of Melbourne have been studying green roofs for over 10 years and have joined with colleagues from the University of NSW and industry partners to
investigate how these barriers may be overcome in the levy funded project Researching the benefits of demonstration green roofs across Australia (GC 16002).

Find out more at

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