Monday, September 16, 2024
Editors editorial

Looking after yourself is crucial to a ‘happy new year’

I find the early weeks of December so hectic that I feel my feet don’t hit the ground. After the visit from the red-suited gentleman and his reindeers, I usually have time to reflect on the year just passed. That’s when I realise that events that seemed so stressful at the time, were just another little bump in the road.

The Christmas/New Year period provides me with time to catch up with some reading and relaxation. New Year is often touted as a time to make resolutions and set goals for the year ahead. Polls from the United States suggest that significant dates, such as the start of the new year, are the best time for resolutions and that while one third of people polled manage to keep all of their resolutions, half achieve some of their goals for the year. Birthdays and other similar dates have similar effects. Even a change of scenery can be a positive motivator.

So this year, my new year’s resolution is to be kinder to myself and plan for those ups and downs that lie ahead. Admittedly, some regions of Australia, and the world for that matter, have suffered significant bumps but I am determined to see 2023 in a positive light.

There are many organisations that offer support to people who have experienced the stress these situations have caused, such as,  and

These people need the support of everyone and their community. If we can all reach out to those you know have been affected, in our own small way we can make a difference to some people’s lives.

If we don’t look after our own mental and physical health, we can’t move forward. I found some useful tips online that I thought I would share.

Being physically active increases endorphins and reduces stress. Have purpose,whether that be trying to further your career or finding a hobby, raising a family or volunteering. Eat well, ensuring you have a nutrient-rich diet that’s good for overall health as well as brain health. Deal with problems as they arise or seek help if you need it. Socialising can also improve your brain health, nurture your social relationships.

I don’t proclaim to be an expert in this field by any stretch of the imagination but I feel for those affected and this information is readily available online. So, good luck with the year ahead, stay safe, stay well and stay connected.

On another note, we have some major events to look forward to during the year, such as the Australian Landscape Conference mid-March, the Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show happening at the end of March and the International Plant Propagators Society conference being held in Geelong in May. In the blink of an eye it will all be in full swing, and if what I see online is anything to go by, the interest in greenlife is still strong.

Plan ahead and mark the events you want to attend in your calendar. I hope to see you at some of these events.

From the Hort Journal team, we wish you all the very best for a successful, healthy and happy 2023.

Karen Smith and your Hort Journal Team

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