Saturday, July 27, 2024
Barry Naylor (Left), GIA Extension Officer – QLD & Northern NSW, helping explain best management practice techniques to production nursery staff. The GIA Extension Officer Network is a levy-funded activity.
Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers – How The Nursery Levy Supports Your Business

Background: Australia’s nursery industry is one of the most efficient, sustainable, and innovative agricultural sectors in Australia and in the world.

Alongside your own innovation, the levy system continues to invest in consistent and sustained research via the to ensure continued improvement as an industry.

Whilst individual grower innovation is no doubt a driving factor for this, consistent and sustained investment in research via the levy system underpins industry-wide innovation and improvement.

The levy system is a primary driver for delivering modern best-practice production methods and world-leading biosecurity screening processes, whilst helping to increase the demand for greenlife by consumers, businesses, and government.

Although the levies collected are managed by Hort Innovation, investment decisions are made on behalf of the nursery industry in consultation with the Strategic Investment Advisory Panel (SIAP). The SIAP is a panel of growers and other industry representatives that provides advice to Hort Innovation in relation to industry R&D and marketing investments, funded by nursery industry levies and contributions from the Australian Government. In fact, the Australian Government matches all investments into R&D on a 1:1 basis.

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