One Tree Per Child joins forces with Garden Centres of Australia
The new campaign will have One Tree Per Child celebrity supporters asking grandparents and parents to take their children to a local garden centre. The aim? To get them to buy a tree, shrub or fruit tree that they can plant together in their garden at home.
In a move to create a new generation of green thumbs, One Tree Per Child has joined forces with Garden Centres of Australia to get more Aussie kids planting trees with their grandparents and families.

The One Tree Per Child initiative was set up by Olivia Newton-John and Jon Dee to get children planting at least one tree before they leave school. It started in Australia and the United Kingdom. The initiative is now planting trees in ten countries.
Environmentally, the new program will achieve three things:
- It will encourage kids to plant a tree that benefits the environment, helps wildlife and provides shade in people’s gardens.
- It will seek to reduce the large numbers of backyard trees being lost in towns and cities all over Australia. This is a major issue for many communities.
- As the tree or shrub grows, organisers also hope that the children’s commitment to their garden and the local environment will grow as well.
The move will also have social benefits. For the children, this simple act of tree planting will be their first act of volunteering, encouraging them to give back and help the community.

Garden Centres have an important part to play in promoting environmental sustainability and the opportunity to develop the next generation of ‘Green Thumbs’. By planting a tree or shrub from a Garden Centre, children can experience the joy of a family activity. They can also tend and care for their plant. They will gain an understanding of their ability to make a personal difference to wildlife, the soil, and the environment as a whole.
Activity Kits and Commemorative Certificate for participants
When a tree, shrub or even an indoor plant is purchased from participating garden centres for the program, then an Activity Kit will be provided free of charge. The kit contains activities and games for children, a child-friendly planting and care chart, and a Commemorative Certificate for signing on the day of planting. The kit is contained in a very attractive paper bag.
The One Tree Per Child Garden Centre initiative, in partnership with Garden Centres of Australia, will kick off in June 2024. Garden Centres who are interested in joining the initiative can find out more from OR email:
For more information on One Tree Per Child, visit
All images supplied by Garden Centres Australia