Tuesday, September 17, 2024
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EditorialNursery Papers

Nursery Papers: Supply Chain – ethical sourcing

What ethical sourcing means for your bottom line

These aren’t just idle thoughts for consumers. They are important criteria for making buying decisions – and businesses are increasingly aware of the need for making ethical sourcing decisions.

Australian markets are becoming more and more connected to international systems, organisations, and influences. It is vital that producers keep up with the constantly shifting expectations of consumers, governments, and the community.

Think about the scrutiny industries like fruit and vegetables are under, such as abuse of labour. Greenlife is not far behind.

Who grew this plant? What was the environmental impact of growing it? What pesticides have been used? How was it transported?

These days, ‘ethical sourcing’ is much more than a buzzword – it’s an integral part of the supply chain lexicon. More and more it can impact your bottom line – nine in ten global consumers want to buy products sourced in a responsible and sustainable way and 83% will pay more for goods that are ethically produced.(1)

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