Thursday, September 19, 2024


Study modules for green walls and roofs are becoming more common (Image: Karen Smith)
Careers & EducationEducation

Upskilling – for what?

By John Fitzsimmons

As someone originally trained as a ‘generalist’ it is easy to find the specificity of today’s training landscape somewhat challenging to navigate. I certainly don’t envy young people now trying to start their journey and find their way in the working world.Continue reading

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TAFESA students gain formal qualifications while undertaking real world practical activities, in this case, weed control for Trees for Life (Image: Sam Bywaters)

Upskilling in horticulture made easy: From free training to paid professional development

By Dan Austin

While the last few years have challenged many of us beyond anything we might have thought possible in the years prior, there is now light at the end of the tunnel and for us in horticulture, a lot more than just a silver lining coming from the COVID-19 cloud.Continue reading

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Whatever the pathways, horticulture still comes down to plants

Now open, green opportunities

Horticulture education: Part 2

By John Fitzsimmons

Australian horticulture education and training is going through a period of massive change. Just what the ultimate balance of skills, science and other non-horticultural training might be needed by industry, is still being clarified but the theme of ‘environments’ keeps cropping up.Continue reading

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