Friday, September 20, 2024

Careers & Education

CareersCareers & Education

Six more Pathways in amenity horticulture

By Daniel Fuller

Over the last two issues I have written about ten different pathways you can follow in amenity horticulture. However, there are a lot more pathways you can take. Here are a few more for you to consider when planning your career in this beautiful industry of ours.Continue reading

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Support younger industry members by nominating them for exchange programs or as support teams at conferences (Image: Karen Smith)
Careers & EducationEducation

Employers need to upskill

By Patrick Regnault

There is a demand and a necessity to upskill your employees – it helps retain them and offers them a path forward in their career and in the industry. The benefits are many and well understood. Unless the employer is short-sighted, employers and managers should encourage and organise training programs for their employees.Continue reading

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CareersCareers & Education

Ten pathways in amenity horticulture – Part 1

By Daniel Fuller

Amenity horticulture is more than just mowing, pruning plants, and spraying weeds. You can move from one sector of this industry to another to keep things fresh. Let’s look into ten pathways you can take in amenity horticulture, from production to maintenance and beyond.Continue reading

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