Saturday, July 27, 2024



Plan A, and no Plan B, is the powerful approach to succeed

By John Corban

“I hate Plan B. People perform better, in sports and everything else, if they don’t have a Plan B. I’ve never, ever had a Plan B.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

Schwarzenegger believes people have a backup plan because they are worried they will fail.… Continue reading

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Working in a botanic garden requires a diverse range of skills such as creating the de-signs for the Calyx exhibitions at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney (Image: Karen Smith)

Career progression without becoming a manager or starting a business

By Daniel Fuller

For most of my decade-long career in the landscape maintenance sector, I truly believed that I only had two pathways to progress my career in the horticulture industry – move into management at a large company, or start my own maintenance business.Continue reading

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Just say “yes”

By Daniel Fuller

Have you ever wondered why some people are offered career opportunities that never seem to come your way?

It might be because those people have built a reputation for saying “yes” to extra responsibilities and opportunities. Saying “yes” can take different forms.Continue reading

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‘Mother Ocean’ by Althaus Landscape Design (Image: Karen Smith)

More to show gardens than the eye can see

By Daniel Fuller

Signing on to enter a show garden can be exhausting. It is likely you will be squeezing six weeks of construction work into a few days, only to pull it down again in a weeks’ time, you will have to take three weeks out of your work schedule and run your social battery into the ground.Continue reading

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Attending industry events is good professional development (Image: Karen Smith)

Increasing your value as an employee

By Daniel Fuller

The skills that you bring to your workplace can be broken into two categories: soft and hard skills. Keeping this framework in mind can help you perform at your peak in your current role, and help you make the best impression at your next interview.Continue reading

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Good communication skills are important in every job. Three of the best communicators in the industry - Leonie Sweeney, Costa Georgiadis and Charles Sweeney (Image: Karen Smith)

Do you speak my language?

By Daniel Fuller

Do you speak to everybody in the same way? If you do, you’re probably not an effective communicator, and you may be leaving money on the table. Especially when you’re in a job interview or pitching a potential client.Continue reading

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Freelancing for a career in the media

By Daniel Fuller

Did you realise that people are making a part-time and eventually a full-time wage creating horticultural content like writing articles, creating videos, and taking photos?

You could be supplementing your own wage, or at least earning a little bit of extra pocket money while exercising a different type of creativity.Continue reading

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Sports turf management requires a high skill level to keep the turf in good condition and safe for sports use (Image: 12019 Pixabay)

Seven more pathways in amenity horticulture

By Daniel Fuller

Do you feel stuck in your current job? Do you ever wonder if there is another path for you? Over the last two months we have looked at many career options in this beautiful industry, but as we know our industry is vast and there is always room to plant more dreams.Continue reading

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How do you stand out in the jobs market? First ask why you might want to change, then manage the change (Image: John Fitzsimmons)

Negotiating the career ‘lattice’

By John Fitzsimmons

Whether your working life is just beginning or is somewhere further along, while the initial vision might be climbing the career ‘ladder’, the reality could well be negotiating the career ‘lattice.’ An individual’s journey to a rewarding and satisfying working life could be via either route.Continue reading

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Six more Pathways in amenity horticulture

By Daniel Fuller

Over the last two issues I have written about ten different pathways you can follow in amenity horticulture. However, there are a lot more pathways you can take. Here are a few more for you to consider when planning your career in this beautiful industry of ours.Continue reading

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Ten pathways in amenity horticulture – Part 1

By Daniel Fuller

Amenity horticulture is more than just mowing, pruning plants, and spraying weeds. You can move from one sector of this industry to another to keep things fresh. Let’s look into ten pathways you can take in amenity horticulture, from production to maintenance and beyond.Continue reading

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For a career in retail, it helps to have sound horticultural knowledge (Image: Karen Smith)

Nursery retail careers: Between the grower and the garden

By Daniel Fuller

The average gardener often thinks that the nursery they buy their plants from is the same nursery that grows them, but that is rarely the case. In fact, there’s a whole sector of the nursery industry that exists between those that grow plants and the end user, the gardeners, that we call the retail nurseries.Continue reading

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Landscape construction requires many skills (Image: Rich Earth Landscape Gardens)

Building your career in landscape construction

By Daniel Fuller

A career in landscape construction quite literally puts you smack bang in the centre of the industry. Designers and architects create the framework you’ll use, production and retail horticulturists provide the plants you’ll use, and maintenance professionals look after the landscape once you’ve long since left the site.Continue reading

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Working in Sports Turf Management you can stay connected to a sport you love (Image: Pexels, Pixabay)

Introduction to Sports Turf Management Careers

By Daniel Fuller

A lot of work goes into making the playing field that your favourite team will play on next weekend look the way it does. Have you ever thought that you could be the person performing that job?

It’s easy to underestimate the skills needed to work in sports turf.… Continue reading

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Angophora costata - managing trees in public spaces requires specialist qualifications in arboriculture (Image: Karen Smith)

An Introduction to a Career in Arboriculture

By Daniel Fuller

It would be fair to say, as people working in the ‘green’ industry, that everybody reading this article loves trees. However, some people love trees so much they’re willing to sacrifice working with all other types of plants so they can focus on planting, establishing, climbing, maintaining, and occasionally removing, trees of all shapes, size, and ages.Continue reading

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Going up – green infrastructure careers

By Daniel Fuller

There’s an emerging frontier for Australian horticulturists, landscapers and people in related professions – the vertical plane.

With the recent attention on the vertical gardens in Singapore brought to us by the Australian Institute of Horticulture, green infrastructure careers should be on your radar.… Continue reading

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