Monday, March 31, 2025

Editors editorial

EditorialEditors editorial

A world of colour

In this issue, we cover bedding plants, colour in design, and much more. I have also written about the marketing behind the recent flowering of Amorphophallus titanum in botanic gardens across Australia. This got me thinking about two interconnected subjects – colour and marketing!… Continue reading

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EditorialEditors editorial

Planning for fire

Welcome to the first issue of Hort Journal 2025. I hope you all managed some downtime, although this is not always a reality for business owners, as plants don’t take a day off.

Once again, bushfires dominate the news in Australia and the USA.… Continue reading

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EditorialEditors editorial

Out with 2024 and in with 2025

And just like that, it is December, often referred to as the silly season as so many try to squeeze a myriad of things in before Christmas Day. Landscapers are stressed as every client wants their projects completed for the big day, retail garden centres are run off their feet with last-minute shoppers, and we usually have many events to attend for those end-of-year celebrations.… Continue reading

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EditorialEditors editorial

For the love of trees

I am constantly in awe of trees, especially big, sprawling trees. I love being around them, how they smell and look, and mostly what they provide us with. I love comparing the different types of bark, especially our beautiful Australian native trees; when I read an article recently about how trees give much more than we realise, I had to read on.… Continue reading

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EditorialEditors editorial

Science Week an educational experience for all

While writing this editorial, I am listening to radio interviews about National Australian Science Week which aims to promote STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education nationwide. One young seven-year-old told me that his school calls it STEEM, and the extra E is for the environment, a most important topic.… Continue reading

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EditorialEditors editorial

Lord of the flies

Instead of reaching for the insecticide or insect repellent, a group, consisting of seven- to eleven-year-olds, were exposed to an insect revolution at ARC Ento Tech Ltd at Somersby, NSW. The event was organised by the Horticultural Media Association of Australia.… Continue reading

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EditorialEditors editorial

Intergenerational learning combines skills in horticulture

There is often a lot of talk about the ageing workforce in horticulture, so it was heartwarming to see many young people in attendance at a conference I attended recently for the International Plant Propagators Society (IPPS). They were a breath of fresh air and contributed enormously to the event.… Continue reading

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EditorialEditors editorial

Adapting to change

Climate change is a concern for most people and those concerns may impact on our industry. Consumers drive change; as awareness of environmental issues grow so does their desire for more sustainable gardens and landscapes. The demand for native and drought-tolerant plants is on the rise, as they are well adapted to local climate conditions and often require less water and maintenance.… Continue reading

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EditorialEditors editorial

A lot to be grateful for

It is with sincere gratitude that we say a massive thank you to Dan Austin for the many years he has contributed to Hort Journal Australia as writer on behalf of the International Plant Propagators Society. Dan’s horticultural knowledge along with his experience both as a lecturer with TAFESA and his vast experience working overseas brought interest to his articles and we have all benefited from that.… Continue reading

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