Thursday, September 19, 2024

Editors editorial

EditorialEditors editorial

A lot to be grateful for

It is with sincere gratitude that we say a massive thank you to Dan Austin for the many years he has contributed to Hort Journal Australia as writer on behalf of the International Plant Propagators Society. Dan’s horticultural knowledge along with his experience both as a lecturer with TAFESA and his vast experience working overseas brought interest to his articles and we have all benefited from that.… Continue reading

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Editors editorial

Celebrating diversity and kindness

I had the privilege of attending two events to celebrate International Women’s Day, an event that celebrates all women globally and recognises their achievements.

This event begun in the early 1900’s; the first in Australia was in 1928 in Sydney. and was organised by the Militant Women’s Movement calling for equal pay for equal work, an eight-hour working day for shop girls, and paid leave!… Continue reading

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Editors editorial

Keeping your eyes peeled on paper

Lately we have received a lot of positive feedback about Hort Journal and our articles, via both email and text messages, and also during discussions. I want to thank those people as it gives me enormous pleasure to pass the feedback on to the contributors of the magazine, and as we are a small team, every cog in the wheel is crucial to a successful outcome.… Continue reading

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Editors editorial

Cyclones, storms, flood and bushfires – where will it end?

You could be forgiven for feeling confused about the weather events over summer. While we were expecting a dry hot summer due to an El Nino event, Australia was dealing with Cyclone Jasper in far north Queensland and a battering of storms and floods throughout the east coast.… Continue reading

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