Industry News

Industry News

Nursery production now one of the largest agricultural industries in Queensland

By Ian Atkinson – CEO, Nursery & Garden Industry Queensland

Here in southern Queensland, this year has meant rain, more rain, and a large dash of flooding and earlier this year we experienced some extraordinary flooding events. We estimate about thirty businesses were impacted by flooding on their sites, about half of those quite badly.… Continue reading

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Industry News

Greenlife Industry Australia update

By Joanna Cave – Chief Executive Officer

I am delighted to introduce myself to Hort Journal readers. Before joining GIA, I was for 25 years CEO of various peak bodies and not-for-profit organisations in the UK and then Australia. Along the way, I qualified first as a horticulturist and then as a landscape designer, initially in pursuit of a private passion that swiftly became part of my professional life as I found myself working in Australian horticulture.… Continue reading

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