Friday, September 20, 2024

International Plant Propagation Society

A potbound acacia which should have been planted directly into the field much earlier
International Plant Propagation Society

Getting to the root of container growing

By Dan Austin

Container growing has revolutionised the way we grow, distribute, and utilise plants. Allowing for greater convenience in transport and options for creativity when displaying plants, containers come in all shapes and sizes but choosing the best option can be a challenge.Continue reading

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Retrofitted grow lights were not enough to save this heavily shaded green wall that no longer exists
International Plant Propagation Society

Lack of education, an ongoing threat to the green wall industry

By Dan Austin

Over the last twenty years, green architecture has moved ahead in leaps and bounds but it hasn’t been a smooth journey, especially in the case of green walls.

At the dawn of the century, green walls were little more than a curiosity in Australia but as the decade of the noughties rolled on, significant investment started to allow for green walls in both new builds and existing architecture.… Continue reading

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Nepal’s rhododendron forests, one of the sites featured in the text
International Plant Propagation Society

Reflections and milestones of a horticultural career

By Dan Austin

It’s no trade secret that joining multiple industry bodies is one of the most valuable things a person can do for a successful career foundation. On reflection of my own career, the value of belonging to these organisations and being involved has allowed me to reach many milestones along the way.Continue reading

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