Nursery Papers – Ensuring business continuity during biosecurity incursions
BACKGROUND: As part of the levy-funded project ‘Ensuring business continuity during biosecurity incursions – social and economic research learnings for the production nursery industry’ (NY18010) a survey of production nurseries was undertaken which sought to examine the social and economic impacts of biosecurity incursions.
According to that study, 40% of participants (n=32) had been impacted by a biosecurity incursion. Growers reported increased costs, increased workload, restricted trade and stock losses as the biggest impacts of those incursions. On average, participants spent around $15,000 managing incursions and destroyed an average of $98,000 worth of stock. However, it’s worth noting that these values are positively skewed with 44% of participants not needing to destroy stock.
On average, participants spent around $15,000 managing incursions and destroyed an average of $98,000 worth of stock. However, it’s worth noting that these values are positively skewed with 44% of participants not needing to destroy stock.
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