Saturday, July 27, 2024
Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers – Climate Ready Street Trials

Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited

Street trees are on the front line of urban forest service delivery, supporting neighbourhood character, human health, waterway health, biodiversity, tourism and business vitality. However, in order to deliver these benefits, street trees must be well suited to local climate and conditions now and into the future.

In order to guide planting decisions, a handy resource has been developed which helps growers design scientifically rigorous trials of street trees to ensure that plantings are climate ready and resilient. The guide is a collaboration between Which Plant Where, a consortium of researchers to investigate the suitability of various plant species under current and future climate scenarios and Treenet, an independent organisation dedicated to improving Australia’s urban forests.

Which Plant Where, a strategic, levy-funded investment, bringing together a consortium of researchers to investigate the suitability of various plant species under current and future climate scenarios and Treenet, an independent organisation dedicated to improving Australia’s urban forests, have developed a guide to designing a scientifically rigorous trial of street trees to ensure that plantings are climate ready and resilient.

To continue reading click here

Main photo: The Which Plant Where team conducting studies

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