Saturday, July 27, 2024
Business File

Staying hungry to run your business

By John Corban

Remember when you were keen to start your own business? Let’s look at the how and why it is important to stay hungry to run your own business.

You may have been doing small jobs on weekends and that gave you the confidence to launch your business full time. I bet it was an exciting time.
You probably had no idea where your next job was going to come from, but your enthusiasm for doing the best possible work for your current client was your focus. Your street sign attracted neighbours’ interest and sure enough you signed up your next few jobs. Each day you learned more about your trade and your business. You were hungry to learn, grow, work long hours and do whatever it took to make your business a success.

Then after some time, your business may have grown to a manageable level within a few months’ worth of work and a small reliable team. You had taken time off the tools each week to take care of the quoting, selling and admin responsibilities. You were still keen to grow your business, but the wolf was no longer scratching on your door and your hunger wasn’t as high, so you became comfortable or complacent. And it happens to all of us!

So how can you ignite your feeling of hunger again?
A few times I have a met a service provider that was very keen to help me. They have had an engaging energy, listen to my needs and then offered great solutions. They seemed like they would do anything to help me. When a person approaches their work with that engaging energy, it has a positive effect on anyone they meet.

Think of your employee who is so excited to do whatever you want each day when working on your project. That energy is infectious. Their work ethic and passion can have a positive influence on the whole crew.

As business owners, it is up to us to set the example by arriving at work with a strong desire and a hunger to make things happen. Our business should excite us!

Whether it’s meeting with clients, training an employee, viewing a project, or improving a quoting program, we need to be grateful each day that we have a business we have developed that provides an incredible service for our clients, a place for our employees to enjoy and grow, and also provides an income for ourselves and our family. 

It doesn’t matter if 2022 has been a somewhat challenging year. Put it behind you and enjoy each day going forward.

In 2005, Steve Jobs gave the commencement address to the graduating class of Stanford University. He concluded his comments by quoting these words,  “stay hungry, stay foolish.”

So remember why you started your business in the first place, and with those thoughts clear in your mind, go to work with that same energy you had when you started.

John Corban
Business Coach for Landscapers,

Horticulturalists and Nursery owners
M: 0433 27 1980

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