Saturday, July 27, 2024
Business File

Parts of my business need a shake-up, what can I do differently?

By John Corban

As business owners we are busy, often being more hands-on than we want to be, so when someone asks if you are happy with every aspect of your business, we might currently think ‘enquiries are good, sales are good, but systems could be better and I need to offload some of my tasks so I have time to manage my business’.

So, as it’s the beginning of the calendar year, it’s a good time to review what you have been doing in previous years, and maybe give parts of your business a gentle or more robust shake-up.

Have a quick look at the way you conduct your week and the systems and processes you use, and then ask yourself, ‘could I be doing some things better?’

Your week

Firstly, have a think about your weekly schedule and tasks and ask yourself, could I offload some tasks so I have more time to work on my business this year? If the answer is yes, maybe draw from the list below.


Are your sales, profit, your personal wage, and cash-flow where you want them to be? If you answered yes, I say … great! So, move onto the next section. However, if your answer was ‘it could be better’ then look at the following to find ways to improve the financial area.

  • Update materials costs and re-calculate employee hourly rates so you know the costs are correct when you quote.
  • Increase charge out rates.
  • Increase markups on materials, both soft and hardscapes.
  • Could you review installation and design jobs every quarter to see what the Project Gross Profit was and if you are getting your quoting right?
  • Are you looking at your P&L (profit and loss) every month?
  • Do you need to create a Cash-flow Forecast?


When considering your team, ask yourself these questions.

  • Have you created a vibe in your business that retains team members and attracts new members, or could you place more effort into bonding events, training team members, spending time with and listening to team members, and helping them develop?
  • Are you passionate about your work and sharing it with team members? Remember, it’s your passion that influences your employees.


  • Are the systems you use working effectively or could you be using different systems like Quoting, Project management, Scheduling and Time Sheets, Social Media Posting apps etc?


Are you happy with your marketing or could you enhance your website design, the professional images you organise and upload to your website and social media pages?
Do you have enough high-quality alliances or could you be engaging one or two more alliances so that you gain the work you are seeking?

Your accountability

As business owners, we need to be motivated and tread our own path, however it can be a lonely path at times. What can help is someone who has business experience like a relative, a good mate from a successful company or a consultant who can listen to your issues and give you advice or help keep you accountable so you achieve your goals. 

An overview of your business is a good way to start the year. It could save you mistakes and losses, increase income, profit and improve how your business operates.

Have a great 2023!

John Corban
Business Coach for Landscapers,
Horticulturists and Nursery owners
M: 0433 27 1980


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