Friday, September 13, 2024

Careers & Education

CareersCareers & Education

Should I save the world, or should I be realistic?

By Daniel Fuller

I was born in 1990, and like many of my fellow millennials, I grew up being told that I could do anything I put my mind to. I believe that the world could be better than it is right now, and I reckon I’ve got some pretty good ideas on the direction we need to move as an industry.Continue reading

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CareersCareers & Education

Plan A, and no Plan B, is the powerful approach to succeed

By John Corban

“I hate Plan B. People perform better, in sports and everything else, if they don’t have a Plan B. I’ve never, ever had a Plan B.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

Schwarzenegger believes people have a backup plan because they are worried they will fail.… Continue reading

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Working in a botanic garden requires a diverse range of skills such as creating the de-signs for the Calyx exhibitions at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney (Image: Karen Smith)
CareersCareers & Education

Career progression without becoming a manager or starting a business

By Daniel Fuller

For most of my decade-long career in the landscape maintenance sector, I truly believed that I only had two pathways to progress my career in the horticulture industry – move into management at a large company, or start my own maintenance business.Continue reading

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CareersCareers & Education

Just say “yes”

By Daniel Fuller

Have you ever wondered why some people are offered career opportunities that never seem to come your way?

It might be because those people have built a reputation for saying “yes” to extra responsibilities and opportunities. Saying “yes” can take different forms.Continue reading

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