Friday, September 20, 2024

Careers & Education

Glenice Batchelor’s contribution to our industry spans many fields and years
Careers for women

Portraits of women in the industry

By Patrick Regnault

The number of women working in horticulture has increased over the years. This is the portrait and thoughts of two women working in the horticulture industry.

These women differ in age, experiences and professional pathways. Gender is not relevant when it comes to passion, creativity and professionalism.… Continue reading

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An agricultural role may fit nicely into your career path (Image: Pixabay JillWellington/1980)
Horticultural Careers

Incorporating agriculture into your horticultural career

Daniel Fuller

While horticulture is concerned with the cultivation of all plants, agriculture is concerned with cultivating edible crops as well as raising livestock. There are professional development opportunities in agriculture for horticulturists looking to practice their trade in new environments.Continue reading

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Rewards increase as you climb up the ladder (Image: Daniel Fuller)
Horticultural Careers

Is there a career pathway in horticulture for me?

By Daniel Fuller

Some people garden in their spare time to unwind from their stressful occupation, but a horticulturist is fortunate to be paid to work with plants in their job. Whether you’re after an entry-level position or are looking to move ahead from your current role, the Australian horticultural  and landscape industries are ripe with different opportunities.Continue reading

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Whatever the pathways, horticulture still comes down to plants

Now open, green opportunities

Horticulture education: Part 2

By John Fitzsimmons

Australian horticulture education and training is going through a period of massive change. Just what the ultimate balance of skills, science and other non-horticultural training might be needed by industry, is still being clarified but the theme of ‘environments’ keeps cropping up.Continue reading

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