Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Careers & Education

CareersCareers & Education

Just say “yes”

By Daniel Fuller

Have you ever wondered why some people are offered career opportunities that never seem to come your way?

It might be because those people have built a reputation for saying “yes” to extra responsibilities and opportunities. Saying “yes” can take different forms.Continue reading

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‘Mother Ocean’ by Althaus Landscape Design (Image: Karen Smith)

More to show gardens than the eye can see

By Daniel Fuller

Signing on to enter a show garden can be exhausting. It is likely you will be squeezing six weeks of construction work into a few days, only to pull it down again in a weeks’ time, you will have to take three weeks out of your work schedule and run your social battery into the ground.Continue reading

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Attending industry events is good professional development (Image: Karen Smith)
CareersCareers & Education

Increasing your value as an employee

By Daniel Fuller

The skills that you bring to your workplace can be broken into two categories: soft and hard skills. Keeping this framework in mind can help you perform at your peak in your current role, and help you make the best impression at your next interview.Continue reading

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Good communication skills are important in every job. Three of the best communicators in the industry - Leonie Sweeney, Costa Georgiadis and Charles Sweeney (Image: Karen Smith)

Do you speak my language?

By Daniel Fuller

Do you speak to everybody in the same way? If you do, you’re probably not an effective communicator, and you may be leaving money on the table. Especially when you’re in a job interview or pitching a potential client.Continue reading

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