Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Business File

Business FileEditorial

Growing your business means moving out of your comfort zone

By John Corban

Was there a time in your business when you were outside your comfort zone?

Think back to when you decided to start your business. You probably had feelings of anxiety and discomfort as well as excitement. Although you may have been somewhat afraid, what potentially lay ahead (freedom to pursue your passion, generate a greater income, and have autonomy) provided strong reasons to help propel you forward.… Continue reading

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Business File

Employees need a leader, not a friend

By John Corban

Leadership is one of the most challenging, fulfilling and exciting roles a business owner faces, and leading in a fun and supportive, yet assertive, way is key to your business thriving and your team wanting to grow with you.Continue reading

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Business File

Increase rates and continue to increase work

By John Corban

How can I increase my rates and win the work I want?

What is the reason for wanting to increase fees?
If you look at your P&L statement and don’t like the profit you see you need to delve deeper to discover why this is happening.… Continue reading

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Trademart is a one-stop shop for landscapers and retailers
Business File

Sustainable economic success

By Karen Smith

For more than 60 years Benara Nurseries in Western Australia has ticked many boxes to become one of Australia’s most successful production nurseries. With a commitment to sustainability, quality services, and their team, what contributes to their longevity and economic success?Continue reading

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