Thursday, September 19, 2024



Gene editing to identify weeds

A proposal by Pedro M.P. Correia et al, from the University of Copenhagen, suggests that horticulture generally could make use of naturally occurring selection processes to improve crop yields.

Most high-yielding crops are susceptible to abiotic and biotic stresses, making them particularly vulnerable to the potential effects of climate change.… Continue reading

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Empower young talent with the opportunity of a lifetime

Global Footprints Scholarships – when passion and opportunity meet, great things happen. Could this be you or someone you work with, a colleague, an employee?

A fantastic scholarship opportunity is available for talented young people.

Key information

From 1 May 2024, the Global Footprints Scholarships for 2024 is available for young talent to apply:

  • A once in a lifetime opportunity to travel the world and learn more about sustainability
  • $9,000 to gain global work experience in agriculture, horticulture or trades
  • Freedom to travel wherever is relevant NOW to learn from the most inspiring minds in the industry
  • Individual, professional coaching, networking opportunities and group workshops

We can all help by supporting young people to fulfil their potential and become inspirations to others.… Continue reading

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A weed with many uses

In a world-first study, researchers at the University of South Australia (UniSA) screened 50 native plants and weeds to find a cheaper and more environmentally friendly source for the bulk producing urease enzymes, used to strengthen soil and help to prevent erosion.… Continue reading

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A weed with many uses

In a world-first study, researchers at the University of South Australia (UniSA) screened 50 native plants and weeds to find a cheaper and more environmentally friendly source for the bulk producing urease enzymes, used to strengthen soil and help to prevent erosion.… Continue reading

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