Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Nursery Papers

Cameron’s Nursery staff, Funky Shirt Friday, mental health awareness
EditorialNursery Papers

Nursery Papers: Supply Chain – ethical sourcing

What ethical sourcing means for your bottom line

These aren’t just idle thoughts for consumers. They are important criteria for making buying decisions – and businesses are increasingly aware of the need for making ethical sourcing decisions.

Australian markets are becoming more and more connected to international systems, organisations, and influences.… Continue reading

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Vehicle baths must be of a sufficient size that wheels completely come in contact with disinfectant
EditorialNursery Papers

Nursery Papers – To Dip or not to dip – Foot Baths

Introduction: Nursery hygiene is the most basic platform for ensuring pest and disease-free growing areas and producing the best quality stock for sale to customers. Nursery hygiene issues in the propagation and production phases can cause problems that persist for the lifespan of the plants, which may be several decades in the case of woody species.… Continue reading

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Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers – Ecohort

Establishing your environmental credentials

Introduction: Greenlife businesses must prioritise sustainability for long‑term success.

Post-pandemic, sustainability has become one of business’ top investment priorities, on par with maintaining a strong financial position and staffing.

By improving sustainability, you can better attract and retain staff, build brand reputation and customer demand, find new opportunities and emerging markets – ultimately increasing your productivity to gain a competitive advantage.… Continue reading

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Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers – Expanding emergency measures for Xylella fastidiosa

The Commonwealth Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) has updated protocols to handle the threat of Xylella fastidiosa, a significant bacterial pathogen, in imported nursery stock.

Effective December 2023, regulatory measures are enforced for plants within the Simaroubaceae family to mitigate the risk of Xylella.… Continue reading

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