Sunday, September 22, 2024


Greener Spaces Better Places Update

What’s Growing on?

Stay up to date with the Greener Spaces Better Places program, and how you can benefit. This month, we’re full steam ahead with School of Thumb, a snappy video series where industry experts solve Australia’s gardening guesswork.


Hosted by TV personality Claire Hooper, episodes 4, 5, and 6 were released in February, this time helping three Victorian plant parents to grow better from home.… Continue reading

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Hort Journal March 2023
Editors editorial

A heartbreaking occurrence

Most of us know what it feels like to have something stolen. It creates a sinking feeling that hits you in the gut. When it comes to plants, that takes it to another level! One day I came out into my front garden (which doesn’t have a fence) and found that a massive clump of bromeliads had simply been ripped out.… Continue reading

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Barry Naylor (Left), GIA Extension Officer – QLD & Northern NSW, helping explain best management practice techniques to production nursery staff. The GIA Extension Officer Network is a levy-funded activity.
Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers – How The Nursery Levy Supports Your Business

Background: Australia’s nursery industry is one of the most efficient, sustainable, and innovative agricultural sectors in Australia and in the world.

Alongside your own innovation, the levy system continues to invest in consistent and sustained research via the to ensure continued improvement as an industry.… Continue reading

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