Saturday, July 27, 2024
Editors editorial

‘A picture is worth a thousand words’

Occasionally you may read a story where the author really captures your imagination allowing you to create a vision in your mind of a beautiful landscape or what something looks like, but how many businesses have such a person who can write content so well? This is where images are so valuable and as the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, and video takes it to another level.

If you want to raise awareness and establish your brand identity, good images and content videos can demonstrate what your business is about and the people who work for you. Images also remain in people’s minds, so the next time they think about buying from you or using your services, they often recall those images.

They say don’t judge a book by its cover, but many of us are drawn to beautiful images. I am currently judging landscape design awards and the images are amazing, good quality and they really capture the essence of the design. Good images sell the idea and that is where professional photographers come in.

Now we are all in the practice of taking images with our phones but if you really want to make your business stand out, use a professional photographer or videographer. They will manage to get the best images to demonstrate what is truly unique about your business and help you to tell your business story. Professionals understand light and have the equipment to take images in various light conditions. I often receive images to accompany an article that has lots of shadows, or the light is too bright, and as a result, the actual subject becomes lost. Professionals will usually take the time to ensure the background looks good as well. They have an ‘eye’ for detail. Once I received an image to accompany a beautiful design but I couldn’t use it as there was an old hose laying right through the middle of the image. The resolution needs to be high quality too, as once the images go to print, poor images become grainy.

With more and more people searching online for goods and services, your online presence is judged. You may not have a business that deals directly with the public but you still have customers. Professional images give you and your business a professional image.

Video on the other hand can take people on a virtual tour. They can listen to you and your staff, and watch a demonstration, see the quality of your product and also what your business actually looks like. Video footage using drones is the latest technology that really lends itself to our industry, and some companies will even offer helicopter filming. The sky is the marketing limit!

A business coach I know said you should always have your business running as if you were in the market to sell, that way it will always be performing at its best. Include good images and visual footage in that thinking. Having up to date images enables you to enter awards or have information ready to go for inclusion in newsletters or articles.

Have a great month!
Karen Smith and Your Hort Journal Team

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