Pest and Diseases

Horticultural pest and diseases

Imperial jezebel feeding on grasstree flower (image supplied by Denis Crawford)
Environment & SustainabilityPest and Diseases

Bushfires can devastate some insect populations

By Denis Crawford

Conventional wisdom tells us that the bush will recover after fire, and that the wildlife will return. It’s not that simple.

I’m not likely to forget February 13th 2024. It was the day a bushfire descended on my local town of Pomonal, destroyed 45 homes, many sheds and other structures, kilometres of fencing, and over 2700 hectares of bushland and private land.… Continue reading

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Typical tomato spotted wilt virus symptoms on fruit
Environment & SustainabilityPest and Diseases

Insects that transmit plant diseases

By Denis Crawford

Insects that spread plant diseases are known as vectors of that disease. It’s important to know that some insects are more efficient vectors than other others.

Insects which transmit plant diseases are mostly sap-sucking insects of the insect order Hemiptera.… Continue reading

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