Friday, September 20, 2024


Robotics are increasingly taking the effort out of traditional labouring tasks and improving labour productivity (Image by John Fitzsimmons)
EquipmentGreenhouses & Technology

No place for auto-pilot

Navigating the greenlife jungle

By John Fitzsimmons

Over recent months, pressures have been building on nearly all sectors of the economy. Previously undetected stress cracks are appearing daily, with outcomes ranging from annoying to catastrophic. And yet, as the old saying “it’s an ill wind that blows no-one any good” goes, there are still thrivers among the survivors.Continue reading

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The correct loading technique using your lower body minimises strain on your back and shoulders (Image: Patrick Regnault)
EquipmentGreenhouses & Technology

Back to basics with small tools

By Patrick Regnault

Small tools are the basis of our trade. Secateurs, pruning and grafting knives, shovels and spades, picks, and hoes, and so much more. Some of the small tools have been used for centuries and reached their final forms a very long time ago.Continue reading

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Good automation is a progression and as an enterprise grows, new elements should integrate well with earlier modules

Automation: The future needed now

By John Fitzsimmons

Recent times have brought the future forward, sharpened our focus and made knowing where to look, a lot more obvious.

Recent episodes of economic upheaval mostly associated with a pandemic and international conflict, plus extreme weather events evidencing the trends in climate change, have increased the urgency and relevance of many personal and business decisions.… Continue reading

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