Greenhouse Robotics

Greenhouse RoboticsGreenhouses & Technology

High-tech and ‘better mousetraps’

Compiled and edited by John Fitzsimmons

As Dutch startup Cubic Grow BV points out, horticulture is on the verge of a radical transformation with robotics, automation, and autonomous cultivation enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and optimising product quality. Often, it’s not about inventing the mousetrap but certainly about making a better one.Continue reading

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Greenhouse Robotics

Greenhouses, AI and robots:

Time to adjust our thinking.

By John Fitzsimmons

Reviewing recent developments in horticulture, and in particular in greenhouse production, is a regular process for growers and specialist media. But with the rapid emergence and development of technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), sensory capabilities and robotics, it is time to look beyond hardware and even services and consider more holistically what our growing business needs and wants are.Continue reading

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