
Horticultural Therapy

New markets open up through horticultural therapy services

By Leigh McGaghey

Green puns abound when talking about the growth and spread of therapeutic horticulture in Australia. But growing it is, with people from the allied health and community services world branching into horticulture, gaining horticultural qualifications and spreading the benefits of nurturing plants to their clients.Continue reading

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Green InfrastructureLandscape

Greening cities gets a boost with a new Green Infrastructure industry body

By Michael Casey

With more than 70% of the global population projected to be living in cities by 2050, coupled with the need to meet sustainability targets in 2030 and 2050, government and city planners will have to rethink how the future of cities will need to look and work.Continue reading

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How a once Blind Creek can now see daylight

By Gabrielle Stannus

Have you ever thought that your local creek was a little down at heel and that much more could be done to make it a community asset? I spoke with Gail Hall, Melbourne Water’s Healthy Waterways Strategy Co-delivery Coordinator to find out how creeks are being reimagined across that city, and how horticultural and landscape professionals can be part of that transformation.Continue reading

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Relaxed coastal perfection

Fifth Season Landscapes believes that great results come from working collaboratively, and winning six accolades for their Clareville Project alone, in the 2022 Landscape Excellence Awards, proves that their approach works.

Nestled seamlessly on Clareville Beach, Sydney, the Chatswood-based team created a relaxed haven for the owners that melds beautifully with the surrounding environment, subtly blending both beach and bush settings.… Continue reading

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Jasmine Gunnoo: Standing on the outside looking in

By Gabrielle Stannus

Keen-eyed readers may recall that I wrote Hort Journal’s Interior Plantscaping article until recently and have a strong interest in design that integrates the indoors with the outdoors. So, when I heard that a former interior architect had just received one of the Australian Institute of Horticulture’s (AIH) top awards for students, I knew I had to find out more about her.Continue reading

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Green InfrastructureLandscape

Singapore’s Khoo Teck Puat Hospital prescribes nature

By Michael Casey

In urban environments, we often praise the efforts of designers and planners when the landscape and the built environment merge seamlessly to become one. We enjoy the aesthetics of what greenspaces achieve with grey infrastructure, and even more so when we see evidence of the biodiversity that these green spaces attract.Continue reading

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Green InfrastructureLandscape

Park in Jakarta falls victim to its own success

By Michael Casey

The pilot park in Jakarta that’s fallen victim to its own success quickly implements a revised park management plan.

It was an email I received from an industry news outlet that captured my initial attention related to an innovative project that was in the pipeline for the people of South Jakarta.… Continue reading

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