Saturday, July 27, 2024

Nursery Papers

Vehicle baths must be of a sufficient size that wheels completely come in contact with disinfectant
Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers – To Dip or not to dip – Foot Baths

Introduction: Nursery hygiene is the most basic platform for ensuring pest and disease-free growing areas and producing the best quality stock for sale to customers. Nursery hygiene issues in the propagation and production phases can cause problems that persist for the lifespan of the plants, which may be several decades in the case of woody species.… Continue reading

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Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers – Ecohort

Establishing your environmental credentials

Introduction: Greenlife businesses must prioritise sustainability for long‑term success.

Post-pandemic, sustainability has become one of business’ top investment priorities, on par with maintaining a strong financial position and staffing.

By improving sustainability, you can better attract and retain staff, build brand reputation and customer demand, find new opportunities and emerging markets – ultimately increasing your productivity to gain a competitive advantage.… Continue reading

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Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers – Expanding emergency measures for Xylella fastidiosa

The Commonwealth Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) has updated protocols to handle the threat of Xylella fastidiosa, a significant bacterial pathogen, in imported nursery stock.

Effective December 2023, regulatory measures are enforced for plants within the Simaroubaceae family to mitigate the risk of Xylella.… Continue reading

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Nursery Papers

Nursery Paper – Unveiling the Economic Impact of Australia’s Nursery Industry

Snapshot of the Nursery Industry in 2022

The nursery industry makes a significant contribution to Australia’s economy. In FY2022, the CIE estimated the industry had a farmgate gross value of production (GVP) of $2.78 billion, directly and indirectly supported 12,506 FTEs, and directly and indirectly value added $2.49 billion to Australia’s economy.… Continue reading

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A winged fire ant queen preparing to fly to her mate and begin a new colony. Photo by Johnny N. Dell, BugwoodWiki
Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers – Watch out for red imported fire ands

Summary: The red imported fire ant eradication program has been tackling Queensland’s fire ant infestation since 2001, but recent reports show infestation areas have grown from 40,000 hectares to more than 750,000 hectares over the past 22 years.

Of Australia’s invasive ant species, fire ants pose the most serious threat to our biosecurity status because they move and colonise quickly, and have significant environmental, social and economic impacts.… Continue reading

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Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers: Preparing for El Nino

Hort Innovation

In July 2023, the World Meteorological Organisation, an agency within the United Nations, officially declared an El Niño. For most of Australia, this typically brings hotter and drier weather, with increased risk of droughts as well as bushfires. At time of writing, the Australian government is yet to declare El Niño, it is expected
to do so in the coming weeks.… Continue reading

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Hui-Ann Tan - Urban Forest and Ecology Project Offier, City of Melbourne
Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers – Supporting Greenlife Careers and Talent


In 2019, a levy-funded project, ‘Review of nursery industry career pathways’ (NY17002), led by RMCG Consulting outlined a strategy for the industry
that detailed a clear roadmap for skilled career pathway development in the nursery industry.

The document articulated the key challenge, which is supported by industry surveys, that like many other agricultural industries, the nursery industry faces major challenges around high staff turnover and an ability to attract and retain qualified and experienced people.… Continue reading

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Barry Naylor (Left), GIA Extension Officer – QLD & Northern NSW, helping explain best management practice techniques to production nursery staff. The GIA Extension Officer Network is a levy-funded activity.
Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers – How The Nursery Levy Supports Your Business

Background: Australia’s nursery industry is one of the most efficient, sustainable, and innovative agricultural sectors in Australia and in the world.

Alongside your own innovation, the levy system continues to invest in consistent and sustained research via the to ensure continued improvement as an industry.… Continue reading

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Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers – Snails and Slugs in Nursery Production

Horticultural Innovation Australia Limited

Introduced species of snails and slugs tend to be those commonly observed by people in Australia, some of which are major agricultural, landscape and nursery pests. For the most part, such species are introduced by ‘hitch hiking’ on potted plants, soil and fertilisers, pallets, and shipping containers on cargo and freight.… Continue reading

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Weed infestation in containers can reduce plant growth and vigour by interfering with water and nutrient uptake
Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers – Weed Management in Production Nurseries

Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited

BACKGROUND: This nursery paper can assist you to develop a weed management program for your nursery. The first step requires an understanding of the different types of weeds present and the appropriate management options for each weed.… Continue reading

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Catch can test
Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers – Sprinkler selection, layout and operation

Horticultural Innovation Australia Limited

The process of applying irrigation water evenly across the cropping area is now a standard best management practice (BMP) aim. However, there is more to good irrigation than ‘wet is good, dry is bad’ rationale. Growers should consider the evenness of crop growth, crop health and crop turnover, and perhaps greater focus should be given to how irrigation systems are designed and how efficiently they are operating.… Continue reading

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Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers – Climate Ready Street Trials

Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited

Street trees are on the front line of urban forest service delivery, supporting neighbourhood character, human health, waterway health, biodiversity, tourism and business vitality. However, in order to deliver these benefits, street trees must be well suited to local climate and conditions now and into the future.Continue reading

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Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers – Ensuring business continuity during biosecurity incursions

BACKGROUND: As part of the levy-funded project ‘Ensuring business continuity during biosecurity incursions – social and economic research learnings for the production nursery industry’ (NY18010) a survey of production nurseries was undertaken which sought to examine the social and economic impacts of biosecurity incursions.… Continue reading

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Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers – Biological control in production nurseries

BACKGROUND: Managing insect and mite pests are critical for producing healthy nursery crops. There are many ways that production managers can achieve this
goal including cultural practices to prevent pest populations. Pesticides are also a valuable and commonly used tool. Biological control has been used less often by production nurseries but is now being used more.… Continue reading

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Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers – Learn more about your business with industry data

Background & Methodology: This is the fifth industry statistics survey and to ensure consistency and to enable longitudinal data trends to be gleaned from the study, the questions and methodology has remained largely the same over this period.

Consistent with past projects, the majority of questions have been answered via Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews, but responses have also been received via email and an online platform.… Continue reading

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Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers: Fostering innovation within production nurseries

BACKGROUND: The greenlife industry, like other horticultural and agricultural industries has been on a steady path of modernisation, automation and digitalisation over the last decade.

Technology has the power to transform a nursery production business. Automated potting machines, mixers and conveyors have greatly increased productivity whilst advances in irrigation and Integrated
Pest Management have improved the profitability in production nurseries.… Continue reading

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