Saturday, September 21, 2024

Botanic Gardens

Pimelia spicata close up of the potted collection (Image: Daniella Pasqualini)
Botanic Gardens

Reflections on the current challenges of saving threatened flora

By Daniella Pasqualini

The Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan (ABGMA) is home to some impressive facilities including the recently relocated National Herbarium of NSW and the PlantBank, our state-of the art seed storage facility. Behind these special buildings lies a humbler but just as important set of structures, the nursery, where horticulture meets science.Continue reading

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Health professionals, providers and carers can take advantage of this experience
Botanic Gardens

Go slow for a quick pick me up

By Daniel Bishop

Research is emerging confirming what most garden lovers have always known … being immersed in nature feels good! But this research is also telling us that it’s not just spending time outdoors working in the garden, walking through the bush, or running along beaches that gives the most benefit.Continue reading

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