Sunday, September 22, 2024

Botanic Gardens

Bronze Nothofagus gunnii (Deciduous Beech) leaves provide a sculptural introduction to the Entry Zone (Image: Chris Lang)
Botanic Gardens

Introducing the Tasmanian Flora Entry Zone

By Chris Lang

The Tasmanian Native Section and adjacent areas have undergone substantial change in accordance with long held plans to redevelop Tasmanian flora displays through the northern region of the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens. A significant landscaping effort, which commenced during September 2020, has resulted in the establishment of the Tasmanian Flora Entry Zone.Continue reading

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Phytophthora in Xanthorrhoea
Botanic Gardens

Preventing plant pandemics

By Dr Brett Summerell

Plants, like us, are constantly challenged by a rapidly evolving array of disease-causing organisms that are spread around the world with increasing speed and frequency. Newly arrived pathogens can have devastating impacts on naïve plant species and can even dictate what plants can be grown, where plants can be grown and even if visitors can be allowed into an area.Continue reading

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Botanic Gardens

World class conservatory for the nation’s capital

By Peter Byron

The Ian Potter National Conservatory (Conservatory) is the first major development from the Australian National Botanic Gardens’ (ANBG) 20-year Master Plan, announced by the Australian Government in June 2015. The Conservatory will be a national and international showcase of some of Australia’s most beautiful and unusual tropical native flora.Continue reading

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