
Native Plants

Aussie Gem’s – What’s still out there?

By Greg Bourke

When the home gardener thinks about Australian natives, they often think of compact or screening banksias, grevilleas and bottlebrushes, or other low maintenance plants such as kangaroo paws, grass trees, or lomandra, and often bird-attracting plants. Typically, they’re after something they can stick in the ground and forget about.Continue reading

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Plant PalettePlants

The chemistry of eucalypts

By Daniel Fuller

As part of my podcast series celebrating National Eucalypt Day, I had the good fortune to interview Professor Ros Gleadow who is a professor at Monash University, President for the Global Plant Society, and a board member of Eucalypt Australia, about the chemistry of eucalypts and it was an enlightening experience.Continue reading

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Indoor Plants

Indoor plant collections a growing business

By Karen Smith

The interest in indoor plants is still strong with many consumers not settling to buy only one indoor plant. They are keen to get their hands on a whole collection, so it’s a jungle out there!

A recent report, from the Global Garden Retail Conference 2022 by John Stanley, found that since the pandemic began, people have spent more time in the home and  their focus has been on home and garden improvements.… Continue reading

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