
Native PlantsPlants

Boab – a weird one!

By Clive Larkman

The world of plants is wide, weird and wonderful. I have been writing these articles for over sixteen years and they have mostly been on edible or medicinal plants, some of which have been a bit odd or at least one known to western gardens.… Continue reading

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Plant PalettePlants

New useful plants from Ozbreed

By Daniel Fuller

Nurseries must invest in trusted varieties, as many have failed by experimenting with unsellable plants. On the other hand, relying too heavily on past successes can also lead to failure if you can’t adapt to a changing market.Continue reading

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Revegetation: A case for green-blue infrastructure

By Patrick Regnault

Revegetation is the process of replanting vegetation and rebuilding the soil of disturbed land for the principal purpose of rehabilitating or protecting degraded land. Revegetation is used in many sectors of Australia, such as mining, farming, infrastructure, and urban centres.Continue reading

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Plant PalettePlants

Garlic in society

By Clive Larkman

Since the Columbian Exchange, a few everyday flavours have become a key ingredient in most diets, one of which is garlic. Common garlic is Allium sativum, one of the oldest cultivated plants. There are reports of it being grown around 5000 years BC.… Continue reading

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Plant PalettePlants

Practical new landscape plants from Ozbreed

By Daniel Fuller

Pretty plants are great, but if they aren’t practical in the landscape they can be a complete waste of time. At Ozbreed, we focus on breeding plants that are no fuss, functional and reliable because we understand how hard it is to keep plants growing happily in the urban landscape.Continue reading

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Putting a REAL value on trees

By John Fitzsimmons

There are those who love trees simply for their beauty and splendour. There are people who regard trees as being ‘in the way’ of some more immediate perceived want or need, or who dislike living with trees in close proximity for cultural or aesthetic reasons.Continue reading

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Plant PalettePlants

Midyim – the Australian Berry

By Clive Larkman

As a child, I remember blackberries, strawberries and occasionally raspberries. As time moved on, we started to get many other berries like boysenberries, mulberries, youngberries and our own local silvan berry. We then became really modern with blueberries, cranberries, and red and black currants to really challenge our taste buds.Continue reading

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Photosynthate transfer through a common mycorrhizal network

Photosynthate transfer from an autotrophic orchid to conspecific heterotrophic protocorms through a common mycorrhizal network

Does the ‘wood wide web really exist? Can speculation that parental plants nurture their young be justified? New research by a group including Katie J Fields at the University of Shefield in the UK has shown a definite transfer of carbon in the form of photosynthate essential for protocorm development.… Continue reading

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Botanic GardensPlants

Conifers for warm climates showcased at Mt Coot-tha

By Dale Arvidsson

Conifers are among the oldest and most diverse groups of plants on Earth. They have existed and evolved for more than 300 million years, surviving ice ages, changing climates, and mass extinctions. These plants have adapted to a wide range of habitats, living just above sea level in the tropics to over 3000 metres in altitude and above the timberline of the world’s highest mountain ranges.Continue reading

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Native PlantsPlants

New landscape natives with eye-catching foliage

By Daniel Fuller

Flowers are great, but they’re fleeting. A good landscape design includes plants with eye-catching foliage that will provide aesthetic value month after month, year after year.

Ozbreed has bred several new native cultivars with foliage full of interesting colours, shapes, and textures.… Continue reading

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