
Native PlantsPlants

Native plants and grasses surveyed with Landscape Architects

By Daniel Fuller

Plant breeding has made significant strides over the past couple of decades. What once impressed landscape architects no longer suffices, as new cultivars are now more resilient, requiring less maintenance. While nursery businesses know what has sold well in the past, predicting future popular cultivars remains a challenge.… Continue reading

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Fruit TreesPlants

Edimental avocado an evolutionary enigma

By Clive Larkman

Last month we looked at a great garden plant that looks good, is easy to grow and has great use in the kitchen, Tasmannia lanceolata, an attractive large shrub that comes from SE Australia. Another equally attractive plant is the Avocado Tree (Persea americana) which is native to a small area in Central America between Central Mexico and Costa Rica.… Continue reading

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Botanic GardensPlants

Showcasing New Zealand indigenous plants in creative ways

By Barbara Wheeler

Often seen growing as scrappy carpark plants, badly pruned to keep within the bounds of narrow strips of garden beds and frequently planted in the wrong place, the wonderful indigenous flora of New Zealand has had a history of being overlooked and much maligned in its own country.Continue reading

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Plant PalettePlants

Edimental Tasmannia?

By Clive Larkman

Plants in the garden fill so many parts of our lives. The ‘Edimentals’ are the best, as they are both attractive, useful in the kitchen and some have medicinal value as well. You can tick another box if they are Australian natives.… Continue reading

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Shrinking backyards – are trees a viable option?

By Patrick Regnault

For those of us who have chosen the rural life, finding the right location and types of trees to plant is our dilemma. For people living in urban and suburban areas it is much more difficult, and sometimes planting a tree is not advised.Continue reading

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Bedding PlantsPropagation

Why innovation takes time

By John Fitzsimmons

Next time you see, seek or get offered a new greenlife development, spare a thought for the time, expertise and effort that went into delivering that innovation. It could have been up to a decade or more!

At this point in time many people in our world anticipate rapid, even instant, responses to needs and wants.… Continue reading

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Plant PalettePlants

Buffer plants: Wet and dry feet superstars

By Daniel Fuller

The old saying, ‘right plant, right place’ will always be the fundamental rule for horticulture and landscaping. But some plants are ‘right’ for more places than others. At Ozbreed, we’ve bred a range of buffer plants that can handle both the driest and the wettest of soils.… Continue reading

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Plant PalettePlants

Is my plant edible, ornamental or maybe edimental?

By Clive Larkman

Over the decades garden plants have become an important part of modern life. A house without a garden just doesn’t seem finished. The balance between edible and ornamental plants has shifted. For many years, the major range of garden plants were what we could eat or at least use in the house.… Continue reading

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