Friday, September 20, 2024

International Plant Propagation Society

Prolific and viable fruit set of box elder (Acer negundo)
International Plant Propagation Society

Jumping the garden fence: when wonders become weeds

By Dan Austin

Whether it is through an ability to adapt to a wide range of environments, ingenious methods of seed dispersal or multiple methods for reproduction, in nature, plants are constantly vying to outcompete surrounding flora. When successful, these plants become champions for their species, but for humans, they achieve a different title – weeds.Continue reading

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A fallen branch wound is only one step in the creation of nesting hollows that may take over one hundred years to form
International Plant Propagation Society

The true value of trees in our landscape

By Dan Austin

There is nothing so lonesome, morbid or drear, than to stand with a view of a landscape with no trees. It doesn’t quite have the same ring to it as the Slim Dusty classic “Pub with no beer” but the sentiment is spot on.Continue reading

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Developing fruit of a pomegranate (Punica granatum)
International Plant Propagation Society

Crops of the future: Fresh produce for a changing climate

By Dan Austin

For many of us, the arrival of 2023 presented an exciting opportunity to celebrate, after a lengthy period mired by COVID19, and hopefully, a chance to recharge for the year ahead. However, while clearing pandemic clouds and a new year have been cause for celebration, the horticultural world continues to face numerous challenges.Continue reading

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Modern greenhouse technology allows students to achieve industry currency
International Plant Propagation Society

Educational greenhouses offer a positive step for a skilled industry

By Daniel Austin

Vocational Education and Training (VET) is seen in all sorts of shapes and forms across Australia, from traditional Technical and Further Education (TAFE) colleges to private Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) and a myriad of online training options. So why is it that today, quality horticultural staff are so hard to come by?Continue reading

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