Press Release

New President of the Australian Institute of Horticulture vows to fight climate change

Newly elected President of the Australian Institute of Horticulture (AIH), Alan Burnell, has pledged to use his new platform to encourage fundamental changes to the way horticulturists contribute to addressing societal and environmental issues.

“Modern horticultural best practices are absolutely fundamental to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that are guiding the formation of policy and practice in balancing the needs of our society with the issues and limits of our planet”, says Alan.… Continue reading

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Observation of eucalyptus trees in suburbia

By Bruce Naylor

After reading an article in Hort Journal relating to the use of Eucalyptus species in landscape design in suburbia, I feel prompted to bring up the subject of using Eucalyptus in suburban gardens to your attention. For some perspective, I have been involved in the industry in Queensland for over 50 years, most of it as a grower and I am a Life Member of the Nursery & Garden Industry Queensland (NGIQ).… Continue reading

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Education & Training

Vocational training: Where are we? How did we get here?

By John Fitzsimmons

Is your enterprise short of people? Is it hard to find the right people? Are the people now on board suitably trained and skilled for real everyday tasks? Whatever your situation, it’s probably the system making the solutions challenging.Continue reading

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Green InfrastructureLandscape

Singapore’s Khoo Teck Puat Hospital prescribes nature

By Michael Casey

In urban environments, we often praise the efforts of designers and planners when the landscape and the built environment merge seamlessly to become one. We enjoy the aesthetics of what greenspaces achieve with grey infrastructure, and even more so when we see evidence of the biodiversity that these green spaces attract.Continue reading

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Botanic GardensPlants

In pursuit of an organic display Rose Garden

By Tristan O’Hara

For many years, the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney (RBG) has been working towards providing a high-quality, organic, display Rose Garden under challenging circumstances.

Upfront, I am a general horticulturist, not an expert rosarian and have been entrusted with managing the RBG’s Rose Garden.… Continue reading

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International Plant Propagation Society

Understanding botanical nomenclature

By Dan Austin

Like many fields, a career in horticulture brings with it the need to learn a whole new language. Whether it is our range of industry-specific tools, plant cultural techniques or botanical terminology, there’s no way around it – without a good grasp of professional language, you’re likely to run into trouble.Continue reading

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Careers & EducationEducation

Great reasons to consider a career in landscaping

By Madeleine Stedman and Jodie Dean

The opportunities and benefits of a trade career have never been greater for young people finishing school and entering the workforce. In the past, the university sector has been touted as the best pathway to a successful career.Continue reading

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Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers – Sprinkler selection, layout and operation

Horticultural Innovation Australia Limited

The process of applying irrigation water evenly across the cropping area is now a standard best management practice (BMP) aim. However, there is more to good irrigation than ‘wet is good, dry is bad’ rationale. Growers should consider the evenness of crop growth, crop health and crop turnover, and perhaps greater focus should be given to how irrigation systems are designed and how efficiently they are operating.… Continue reading

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