Saturday, October 19, 2024

Garden Design

NutrientPlant Nutrition

Humates, chelates and other ‘secret solutions’

By John Fitzsimmons

Most people in horticulture are familiar with the big-ticket plant nutrients, readily focusing on the familiar NPK summaries. However, shelf labels, catalogues, and online searches often include other nutritional references that may be less familiar and/or less understood.… Continue reading

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Photosynthate transfer through a common mycorrhizal network

Photosynthate transfer from an autotrophic orchid to conspecific heterotrophic protocorms through a common mycorrhizal network

Does the ‘wood wide web really exist? Can speculation that parental plants nurture their young be justified? New research by a group including Katie J Fields at the University of Shefield in the UK has shown a definite transfer of carbon in the form of photosynthate essential for protocorm development.… Continue reading

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