Sunday, October 27, 2024

Garden Design

A well-protected paperbark tree (Image: Janet Hodgkiss)

Garden trees – the choices we make

By Patrick Regnault

There is a big emphasis on planting trees in gardens, parks and streets to help cool down our towns and cities, and to reduce the need for air conditioning. Whilst trees bring great benefits, we also need to be smart and mostly practical about which trees to use, where to plant them and how to look after them.Continue reading

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A tough plant that will pop out of wall crevices (Image: Clive Larkman)
Plant PalettePlants

Capparis – more than just capers

By Clive Larkman

On a recent trip to the central Mediterranean I observed some tough growing conditions. Most of the plants were non-native but one that stood out was Capparis spinosa – the Caper Bush. It is a tough plant that is able to establish itself in poor conditions with minimal water and virtually no soil.Continue reading

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