landscape design


Aloe vera uses you never thought of

The evolution of electric vehicles and low power electronic devices such as mobile phones drive the search for better longer lasting energy storage. The amount of energy and the rate at which you can use it depends on, among other things, the surface area of electrodes that make up the bulk of the system.… Continue reading

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Hort Innovation Statistics 2022/2023

February saw the release of the Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook 2022/23. This annual compilation of statistics reflects the general health of Australian horticulture. From 2013 the horticulture industry has grown substantially overall but the industry growth has flattened out over the last couple of years.… Continue reading

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Editors editorial

Cyclones, storms, flood and bushfires – where will it end?

You could be forgiven for feeling confused about the weather events over summer. While we were expecting a dry hot summer due to an El Nino event, Australia was dealing with Cyclone Jasper in far north Queensland and a battering of storms and floods throughout the east coast.… Continue reading

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Pollination – realising the potential

By John Fitzsimmons

Growing food at home has been trending in recent times. Many who started out with easily grown herbs and vegetables have advanced to perennial crops including fruit trees. However, the full reward from this step could be limited if pollination is not considered.Continue reading

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Green InfrastructureLandscape

Discovering tomorrow: Exploring the visionary landscape of nature-based cities

By Michael Casey

I’m captivated by the vibrant energy of cities, and harbour a deep love and respect for nature. However, when will we truly experience a merging of these two worlds, placing our profound need for plants at the forefront?Continue reading

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Plant PalettePlants

Broccoli – the best of the greens

By Clive Larkman

As adults we all know what food is good for us to eat and we generally know what we should avoid. However, the research suggests that less than 10% of Australian adults eat a healthy diet made up of the correct mix of protein, fruit and vegetables on a daily basis.… Continue reading

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Fruitful design for unusual garden spaces

By Gabrielle Stannus

These days you do not need an entire orchard to grow fruit. This is fortunate as our population is becoming increasingly urbanised and the quarter-acre block is almost a relic of times gone past. We are living on smaller blocks with little or no outdoor space, with potential growing area often restricted to less-than-ideal growing environments, e.g.Continue reading

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Business File

Solutions for problems in your business

By John Corban

Many businesses share similar problems so I thought I would share solutions to problems that I have shared over the last twelve months.

Problem: I need more profit, what can I do?

Solution: Understand where your business is at financially first, plan to remove any unnecessary costs, then create a six-month profit forecast until June 30.Continue reading

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Nursery Papers

Nursery Papers – Expanding emergency measures for Xylella fastidiosa

The Commonwealth Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) has updated protocols to handle the threat of Xylella fastidiosa, a significant bacterial pathogen, in imported nursery stock.

Effective December 2023, regulatory measures are enforced for plants within the Simaroubaceae family to mitigate the risk of Xylella.… Continue reading

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Plant PalettePlants

Lush, low-fuss Lilly Pillies

By Daniel Fuller

Are you a landscape designer, nursery grower, horticulturist or council decision maker who loves beautiful natives that require minimal upkeep?

Lilly Pillies, which are plants in the Syzygium, Acmena (now reclassified as Syzygium) and Waterhousea genera, are native shrubs and trees beloved for their resilience, versatility, as well as their beautiful glossy leaves, fluffy flowers and edible fruits.… Continue reading

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