Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Analyse your numbers and percentages (Image: MudassarMS-Pixabay)
Business ProfileEditorial

Three steps to creating the sales and profit you want over the next year

By John Corban

The new financial year has begun, and  if you have not already done so, now is the time to analyse your P&L from the year just finished.

By following my three simple steps, you can analyse your numbers and percentages.… Continue reading

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Cameron’s Nursery staff, Funky Shirt Friday, mental health awareness
EditorialNursery Papers

Nursery Papers: Supply Chain – ethical sourcing

What ethical sourcing means for your bottom line

These aren’t just idle thoughts for consumers. They are important criteria for making buying decisions – and businesses are increasingly aware of the need for making ethical sourcing decisions.

Australian markets are becoming more and more connected to international systems, organisations, and influences.… Continue reading

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In 2007 all company activities were combined in the revolutionary Priva Campus Building in De Lier, Netherlands
Greenhouses & TechnologyTechnology

65 years and big news from Priva

News edited by John Fitzsimmons

Dutch company Priva last month marked its 65th year of business with a list of major new products and technical developments at Green Tech 2024 in Amsterdam.

Priva was founded in 1959 by Jan Prins and his uncle Cor Valk as Valk en Prins to import heaters for greenhouses; heaters that were safer and cleaner to use than existing solutions.… Continue reading

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NutrientPlant Nutrition

Humic and fulvic acids and their benefits

By Patrick Regnault

Humic and fulvic acids are used as bio-stimulants to promote plant growth and increase nutrient availability and uptake. The ornamental horticulture industry is looking to reduce its environmental impact – think of all the fertilisers used on lawns and gardens, sport fields and parklands.Continue reading

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