Saturday, July 27, 2024
Business File

Lessons learned from 2020 will benefit business this year

By John Corban –

2021 is here, and what a relief! 2020 was a tough and challenging year, beginning with the bushfires and then the most severe pandemic affecting everyone.

The pandemic that took off in March 2020, changed the way many businesses operated. Although it had a severe impact on families, income and traditional methods of commerce, there is also much that it taught us, that will positively impact our businesses throughout 2021 and beyond.

So what did we learn from 2020 that we can utilise in 2021?

How to approach a crisis or difficult period

The Pandemic in Australia (especially during the first couple of months), taught us to gather as much information as possible on how we should conduct our business, listen to authorities, inform our team members and clients on how to conduct our services in a safe manner and follow a safe plan throughout the year.

The Green Industries benefitted in 2020 and that trend should continue. 2020 was a year of unprecedented occurrences. Fortunately for any business operating within the landscape, horticulture or nursery industries, they were allowed to continue operating for all or most of the pandemic. With many people spending more time at home and deciding to spend money on their gardens, and councils and governments investing in projects, the green industries have benefitted from increased enquiries and investment. This trend should continue in 2021.

Team engagement and developing Culture

Employee engagement and improving business culture has become a key focus. 2020 forced all business owners to care for staff safety, mental health and their staff’s work/life balance. In 2021, many business owners will need to continue to develop or maintain an enhanced business culture.


The traditional methods of business were upended, and while changes and uncertainty are prevailing, the pandemic has taught us to be adaptive. As business owners, we need to be adaptive to changing market trends and address challenges happening within our business. It is essential that we continue to be ready to gather all the information needed to make an informed decision when challenges and changes happen. Although 2021 should be a more stable year, a level of uncertainty will continue throughout 2021, however, most businesses in the green industries should continue to do well.

Business model has changed

We have learned to change our business model and work from a home office or mobile office. It has allowed owners and team members to conduct work meetings with clients and team members on Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Facetime or any other online platforms. We have realised that these methods of communication are efficient, time-saving and effective. Many businesses have updated their systems so digital engagement happens regularly. This trend is here to stay.


The events of 2020 allowed many of us to give attention to parts of our business that were being neglected. The result was that attention to areas like culture, digital systems, automation and a better plan going forward, have occurred.

Work/Life balance
The pandemic forced us to spend more time with our immediate family. Although that was somewhat trying at times, it has had a huge upside and allowed many of us to slow down and realise what’s important.

It’s important to realise that the old normal ways of conducting business won’t be returning, however business owners have learned skills, embraced new systems and have focused on neglected areas that will be greatly beneficial throughout 2021 and beyond.

Cheers to a good year for all!

John Corban
Business Coach for Landscapers,

Horticulturists and Nursery owners
Mob: 0433 27 1980

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