The Belle of the garden
Label: Correa ‘Federation Belle ‘
ACRA Registration 815 (May 2000)
Family: Rutaceae
Origin: A chance seedling in the garden of Sarah Caldwell, Mole River Station which is in the Torrington area in northern NSW. It is thought to be a hybrid between Correa ‘Marion’s Marvel’ and perhaps a form of Correa reflexa var. speciosa. The name ‘Federation Belle’ was chosen to commemorate the Centenary of Federation in 2000. Applicant: ANPSA Correa Study Group.
Characteristics: A small rounded shrub approximately 30-40 cm x 1m. The leaves are dark-green, glabrous and slightly scabrous, cordate, 33mm x 24mm. The corolla is cylindrical 28 mm x 13 mm, rose pink becoming pale green towards the tips. The Corolla tips barely reflexed. Flowering begins in late February and continues through autumn and early winter.

Initially Correa ‘Federation Belle’ appeared to have some similarities to Correa ‘Marion’s Marvel’, however, it is now clear that it has a closer affinity to Correa reflexa var. speciosa.
Cultural notes: This cultivar is fast-growing in cultivation and is very hardy, withstanding frost and drought. It is easy to strike from cuttings. Like other Correas, it attracts birds and responds well to tip-pruning.
Propagation: Cuttings.
Uses: It is suitable for tub-planting as well as foreground planting in garden beds. Availability: Sold at Mole Station Nursery as well as through the ANPSA Correa Study Group. For other suppliers, search on